With just the click of a link, we can help you feel better and strengthen from the comfort of your own home!
— Dr. Darlene Buan-Basit


Telehealth chiropractic appointments for

  • Pain, injury, or rehabilitation

  • New moms or parents needing instructions on infant massage, breastfeeding ergonomics or questions about stretches.

  • These virtual appointments can be claimed as a chiropractic visit through Extended Health Care Benefits for existing patients.

Personalized Exercise Programs for:

  • Diastais recti, pelvic floor dysfunction, accidental leakage, prostate issues.

  • Back strain including disc herniations, spinal stenosis.

  • Rotator cuff and other shoulder or arm pain.

  • Scoliosis, posture and balance.


Online Infant Massage Course

This Online Massage and Cranial Sacral Therapy Course for Infants is designed to help breastfeeding biomechanics.

It is a course for health professions to assess and use massage and CST to improve infants’ biomechanics so they can breastfeed better. Taught by Dr. Darlene Buan-Basit, this course is available through Udemy.

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Sport Specific Programs

Want to improve in your sport and feel better? We can help you with sport specific exercises for any sport and age. Golfers, runners, tennis players & more!

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Help with Babies

Assessment and Instructions. There is help, you can do this and from the comfort of your own home! Schedule a virtual assessment today to help your baby feel better and eat better.

Tongue Tie Babies, Fussy Babies, Infant Massage and Cranial Sacral Therapy, Mom’s Concerns - a fall, something’s off…


Youtube Channel

Follow Dr. Buan-Basit’s YouTube channel for free videos for self care.